Finals Survival Guide


Can you believe we’re almost at the end of the school year?! As we near the end of the Spring semester, we must brace ourselves for the dreaded finals week. I know, I know, it's unfortunate, but luckily at In Bloom, we have the tools to support you through it all.

✨ Your finals week survival guide: ✨

  • 24 oz water bottle - dehydration decreases brain function so make sure you're getting in your water intake 1

  • Protein-packed snacks for studying (pb + bananas is my fav)

  • Social-media app blockers - I use Opal for my phone and Cold Turkey for my laptop

  • A guided meditation to manage anxiety and overwhelm

  • Your In Bloom journal 

While it may seem like there's no room in your schedule for journaling, the mental health and academic benefits are a no-brainer.

Research has shown that journaling is not just a creative outlet; it's a proven practice for managing stress. By putting your thoughts and feelings on paper, you can gain clarity, reduce anxiety, and enhance your resilience—qualities that make a huge difference during finals week.

Also, incorporating journaling into your daily routine can significantly improve sleep. When you jot down your worries on paper before bed, you create a sense of closure that allows your mind to rest peacefully, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your exams.

To help get you started, we've picked out a couple of journaling prompts to help you out this finals szn:

  1. Take a moment to appreciate the little things in life. List three things you're grateful for today, and reflect on how they bring joy to your life.

  2. Write about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and overcame it. How did you persevere, and what strengths did you discover?

  3. Take a moment to think about how this semester has gone for you. Have you noticed any changes in yourself, both academically and personally? What have you learned from your experiences this semester?

  4. Visualize yourself succeeding in your exams. Picture yourself feeling confident and capable as you approach each question.

  5. Don't forget to remind yourself of who you are by repeating this mantra and writing it down: "I am capable and prepared." What other mantras are helpful for you? Repeat your mantras whenever doubts creep in and know that you are that bitch.

At In Bloom, we're here for you when you need us the most, especially during finals week. Our goal is to help you not just survive but thrive in all areas of your life. Remember, even in the middle of all the exam chaos, taking a moment for yourself can make all the difference. You got this bb!

Wishing you success and peace of mind,
💜 Emily


when preparation meets opportunity 🍀


Building my year