when preparation meets opportunity 🍀


Today let’s chat about a trend that popped off on the internet last year: Lucky Girl Syndrome.

What exactly is Lucky Girl Syndrome? Popularized on TikTok, Lucky Girl Syndrome is Gen Z’s version of positive thinking and the younger and cooler version of the millennial’s manifestation craze. Lucky Girl Syndrome centers around the idea that good things will happen to you if you believe they will. In other words, by affirming to yourself that you are a lucky person, the Universe will manifest good fortune in your life. 

For some, this might seem too good to be true, but for others, Lucky Girl Syndrome could be just the remedy to turn a sour mood around. And you're not alone; countless online testimonials swear by its magic, citing instances like receiving a free coffee or an unexpected job offer after adopting the belief.

Lucky Girl Syndrome might inspire you to turn around a bad mood quickly, but it is not enough to make a considerable impact over time. Not to mention, online “evidence” of the Lucky Girl Syndrome is steeped in white cishet privilege. Are you really experiencing Lucky Girl Syndrome, or are you just benefiting from privilege? After all, evidence of Lucky Girl Syndrome isn’t just created in a vacuum of positive thinking. 

I know what you’re thinking – I’m a curmudgeon for discounting Lucky Girl Syndrome, sitting high and mighty on my throne of logical thinking. However, I’m not rejecting Lucky Girl Syndrome entirely as I do think it has its merits in helping develop a more positive mindset. Yet, for lasting change, thinking positive thoughts is simply not enough. Instead, we need to take conscious actions toward our goals and develop habits to increase our luck every day. In the long run, these habits will pay off and as a result, our ‘luck’ will naturally increase. 

To increase your luck, we must first reflect!

✍️ Journaling prompts for Lucky Girl Syndrome: 

  • Reflect on a recent fortunate experience in your life. What positive thoughts or actions do you believe contributed to this luck?

  • Visualize your ideal lucky day from start to finish. What activities, encounters, or experiences would make this day feel exceptionally lucky for you?

  • How can you incorporate more luck-affirming habits or practices into your daily routine? Brainstorm actionable steps to attract more luck on a regular basis.

  • How can you increase luck for others, especially for those who are disadvantaged? What are ways you can raise others up?

If you turn your aspirations into daily habits and consistently work hard, you will create more opportunities for yourself and others. However, it's important to acknowledge that privilege also plays a role in achievement. Remember to think critically about your advantages in society and make space for those who are historically marginalized.

By putting in effort to work on yourself and cultivate opportunities, you can grow a garden of success for yourself and those around you. As you achieve higher positions of power, remember to shine the spotlight and give opportunities to those who might not have the same privilege as you do. As the saying goes, "It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses."

And at the risk of sounding cheesy… good luck ;) 🍀



to the graduates! 🎓


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